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Erez Marom Photography

Article: On Causality in Landscape Photography

Posted on 1st May, 2017

Causality is the relationship between cause and effect – and in landscape photography, this dynamic can help you tell a story, beyond the conventional structures of composition and color. Considering causality in a landscape image can have a number of advantages. First of all, including a visual indication of cause and effect can provide a through-line, within the composition of an image. Imagine a light source - mostly the sun or the moon in nature photography - on one side of the...

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Aerial Photography - Part 4: Technique

Posted on 13th March, 2017

In the previous article in this series, I talked about the equipment one might use for aerial photography. So what about technique, and especially camera settings? What should you consider when shooting from the air?  The important thing to remember here is that you’re shooting from a moving, vibrating aircraft instead of from stable ground. This simply means that in order to keep your shots sharp, you’ll need to use a high shutter speed. Remember that the...

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Aerial Photography - Part 3: Equipment

Posted on 26th November, 2016

In previous articles I've discussed the advantages of aerial photography and shooting from a helicopter as opposed to shooting from a light plane. But are there any special considerations with regard to equipment when shooting from the air? Since we’ve already established that it’s the superior choice (at least in my opinion), let’s concentrate on the helicopter first. An open door gives the photographer a vast range of angle options, and...

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Aerial Photography - Part 2: Aircraft

Posted on 11th August, 2016

In the previous article I talked about some of the advantages of aerial photography. But how does one do it in the real world? Let’s start with the aircraft. There are two main options here: a light airplane or a helicopter. Yes, you can shoot from a hot air balloon but it’s not really an option in most places, plus it’s far less maneuverable, so I’ll gently disregard it. Also, while drones are taking the world of aerial photography by storm, the...

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The Good, the Bad and The Ugly of Aerial Photography - Part 1: Why Shoot Aerials?

Posted on 11th August, 2016

Man has always had the dream of flight – but so has the photographer. It’s a unique experience to shoot from the air, and it has some incredible benefits in many senses. But as one might discover, it often carries a number of problems and a hefty price tag. I personally started my romance with serious aerial photography about three years ago, and I’ve been hooked ever since. My experiences have mostly been amazing but admittedly not always so, and I’ve come to...

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Hell on Earth: Shooting in the Danakil Depression

Posted on 9th March, 2016

Hell on earth. It sounds like hyperbole, but the Danakil Depression is exactly that. In late 2013 I spent 1.5 months traveling extensively in Ethiopia, and I visited the Danakil to scout locations for my 'Earth, Wind and Fire' workshop. It is, by my own experience, one of the most inhospitable environments you can actually visit. Scorching heat, no roads, no running water, not to mention hotels or any other modern convenience. But it is exactly these qualities which make...

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Article: Behind the Shot - Crystalline

Posted on 6th December, 2015

In this article I'll tell about the interesting process of producing my image 'Crystalline'. I shot it during January 2014, and processed it at the time, but lately the addition of new Photoshop features lead me to revisit it, and reprocess it in a different way. This image is an HDR-Panorama, a kind of shot which is usually technically difficult to produce, but as I show below, this difficulty is now relegated to the past. I hope you find the explanation interesting and...

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Article: Letting Go

Posted on 4th October, 2015

How many times should one take a shot of a place or a landmark until it’s too much? When do you think one should just let go? After Ten shots? A hundred? Never? I think a good approach to this might be to shoot it until you’ve got something that stands out from your own images of the place. If you keep getting the same standard of shots from somewhere, you’re not quite there yet and you need to keep shooting it. Once you get something that’s truly special and very...

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Article: Parallelism in Landscape Photography

Posted on 25th September, 2015

Part of what can make an image both visually appealing and conceptually interesting is the connection between its different parts. An image is a whole made of differentiable elements, and these elements can either be separate or have a variety of relations between them. To make an image which is indeed a whole and not just different layers on top of each other, a photographer needs to make the layers (or elements) communicate with each other. But how? One way, of which I will write here, is...

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Article: On the Importance of Naming Images

Posted on 2nd July, 2015

This time I’ll talk about a subject which might be less inherently connected to landscape photography, but as I see it, it’s very relevant to this field as it is to other kinds of photography, and through it one can have a larger appreciation for our craft and a stronger connection to one’s own art. Naming a piece of art has always been important, not only to have a way to refer to the piece, but also, and much more importantly, to present a window to the creator’s...

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