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Erez Marom Photography


Price: €8990/7990 pp (single/shared tent) / Deposit: €3490 pp



7th - 13th June 2026

13th - 19th June 2026

On the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe lies Lower Zambezi National Park, a place where wild animals roam free in one of the most beautiful forests on Earth. Elephants, lions, leopards, wild dogs, hippos, buffalo, impalas and many other species live, eat, fight, hunt, mate and wander the park and the Zambezi river. Join professional nature photographer Erez Marom, accompanied by expert wildlife guides, on an incredible safari to experience and shoot the wildlife of one of the most wonderfully spectacular natural environments on our planet.

Main Features

  • A week of photography based in a secluded bush camp on the banks of the Zambezi river, in the heart of Lower Zambezi NP.
  • Incredible, diverse wildlife roaming free in an astonishingly beautiful forest.
  • Small group size means increased comfort during the wildlife shoots and comprehensive critique sessions.
  • Exclusive use of the camp for our group guarantees maximal safety and fixes the camp schedule to our needs.
  • Transfers in 2 private 4X4 safari vehicles (one photographer per row for enhanced shooting comfort).
  • Private boat trip to shoot hippos and elephants crossing the Zambezi river.
  • Winter schedule ensures very comfortable weather, mostly clear skies (for the best light) and easy location of the wild dogs.
  • Professional photo guidance by an experienced, award-winning nature photographer. Daily critique sessions to hone your skills and perfect your shooting.


Day 1 Meeting in Lusaka, Flight to Lower Zambezi

We will assemble in Lusaka Domestic Airport, a few minutes' walk from the international arrival terminal. Contingent on your arrival times, we will take a short domestic light-plane flight to Jeki Airstrip, a secluded airstrip close to the border. From there we will be picked up by our guides and driven to camp, where we will settle in our tents and discuss the plans for the days ahead.


Days 2-7 Wild Safari

Each day, we will wake up at about 4:45, have breakfast and head out at about 5:30-5:45, to be on location at the right time for shooting. After shooting for several hours, we will get back to camp, where you can download your images. We will then have lunch, followed by a critique session - a critical time to review your images and correct your mistakes before heading back to the field at 15:30, for another 2.5- or 3-hour shoot. Your flight schedule permitting, we will also shoot on the morning of day 7, before heading to Jeki for our flight back to Lusaka Airport.




The Wildlife

World famous for its abundant wildlife, Lower Zambezi NP holds an astonishing variety of species, including the Cape buffalo, Cape wild dog, a large elephant population, lion, leopard, many antelope species, crocodile, and hippopotamus. There are also a large number of species of birds.

But more than this, the animals inhabit and roam one of the most photogenic forests imaginable, with winterthorn (white acacia) trees which look like they came right out of a Tim Burton movie. When the sun rises and penetrates the dense canopies and branches, true photographic magic happens.

We will usually dedicate the early mornings to either cats (lions and leopards) or wild dogs. There are several packs of lions, some with cubs (extremely likely to encounter), and several leopards with cubs (leopard sightings extremely likely, lower chance of cubs). The cats usually hunt in the mornings, where we can see them either during the hunt or consuming their prey.



Wild dog hunts can be brutal, and you may choose whether you wish to witness them or do something else. We are very likely to be able to follow the dogs on their hunt and see their strategic methods of taking down prey up to 10 times their size.


Another option for especially cold mornings would be hippos. I have found locations where we can shoot them illuminated in red morning light, front- or backlit.


The afternoons will usually be dedicated to elephants. These gentle giants wander the forests of the park in great numbers, and we will be there at the right place and right time to capture not only the animals, but a complete composition of the elephant in its natural environment - a much better and tougher feat to achieve. Anyone can shoot a portrait of an animal, but the most interesting images show the bigger picture, and have the light conditions to match.




On one of the afternoons we will hop a boat and go on a sail in the Zambezi River, where we can shoot hippos, but more importantly, we can see elephants crossing the river - a magnificent sight.


Our Camp

The camp consists of 6 tents, all dedicated exclusively to our group. The tents don't have electricity or running water, but there is plenty of clean water for general use and a hot shower is available in the ensuite bathroom whenever you want it. Electricity is plentifully available for all your needs in the main area, where you can leave your devices and chargers without concern.
All meals, drinks and snacks will be available in the main area. Varying buffet breakfast, lunch and delicious 3-course chef-made dinners will be held according to our group's schedule, and will not interfere with our shooting plans. Alcoholic drinks are all included, so you're welcome to join me for a triple-shot gin&tonic after coming back from an eventful shoot.
Most importantly, the camp is located very close to the wildlife: reaching most animals will not take more than 20-30 minutes, and that's what it's all about.


Total Price: Photographers: €8990 in a single tent, €7990 in a shared tent.
Non-photographers* (only when joining photographers in their tents): €6990.
For your full comfort, I recommended sharing a tent only if you know each other. Please consult me to better understand tent allocation.

Special Offer: €1000 off if you participate in both groups back to back.**

Deposit: €3490

Maximum Number of Participants: 10, out of which a maximum of 7 photographers.

Physical Difficulty: Beginner. There will not be any hiking. Weather conditions during Zambia's winter are dry, sunny and very comfortable throughout the day as long as you have light thermal wear for the chilly mornings. There are almost no mosquitoes this time of year and no risk of malaria.

*Non-photographers will occupy a seat in the same row as their photographer partners in the safari vehicle, may only shoot with a cell-phone or compact camera and will receive no critique.
**Multiple discounts may or may not apply, please consult me.

Workshop Price Includes

  • Accommodation in large, comfortable private tents with matrass beds and ensuite bathrooms and shower.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the trip, in addition to delicious snacks (I dare you not to gain weight on this trip!).
  • All drinks, alcoholic and otherwise, without limitation.
  • Travels in 2 private, 4X4 safari vehicles perfect for a photography trip. Each potographer will have their own row in the vehicle so you don't have to shoot over anyone.
  • Flights from Lusaka airport to Jeki Airstrip and back.
  • Photography guidance by a professional nature photographer, accompanied by local wildlife experts.
  • Daily critique sessions to correct your mistakes and elevate your skills from shoot to shoot.
  • Laundry services.
  • Entrance fees and taxes on all services listed above.

Workshop Price Does Not Include

  • Airfare to and from Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (LUN). Please consult me before booking flights to make sure you don't miss any of the activities. On the last day I recommend to depart from Lusaka no earlier than 13:00 pm.
  • Insurance. It is MANDATORY to insure yourself against physical injury, and highly recommended to insure your photo gear. Tour leaders will not be responsible in case of any personal injuries or damage to photographic gear as a result of an accident during the workshop. A good insurance policy can make a big difference should something happen, and ensure a safe return home.
  • Gratuities to the camp staff and wildlife guides.

Photography Equipment

  • A DSLR camera (full-frame sensors have better low-light capabilities, crop sensor cameras have a higher equivalent reach).
  • Telephoto zoom lenses, as long as possible, preferably stabilized. For example, the Canon ef 70-300mm and rf 200-800mm or Sigma 150-600mm. Prime telephoto lenses will prove difficult to use, as will focal lengths shorter than 70mm. Useful focal lengths will most probably be 70-800mm - plan your lens arsenal accordingly.
  • Note: drones are not allowed in Lower Zambezi NP.


  • Light, breatheable shirts (2-3) and pants (1-2).
  • A light, warm down jacket and a warm hat for the cold mornings.
  • A wide-brimmed hat for the sunny afternoons.
  • Closed boots.


  • Sun glasses.
  • Headlight.

Payment Procedure

In order to secure your spot, you are required to transfer a deposit of €3490. This deposit will be refunded only in case the workshop gets cancelled for some reason. For your comfort, the deposit can be paid either through PayPal or a wire-transfer (please contact me for details).
The full amount (after discounts if applicable) must be paid via wire-transfer no later than 120 days prior to the workshop starting date.
In the case you need to cancel your participation, a 50% refund (not including deposit) will be given up to 90 days prior to the workshop starting date and a 25% refund up to 60 days prior to the workshop starting date.
I reserve the right to increase the price of the workshop if costs rise due to unexpected changes in fees, taxes or exchange rates. This is, of course, highly unlikely.


Though very improbable, workshop dates might shift a few days here or there, up to 6 months prior to start date. Please contact me if you have schedule limitations.
Important: In order to join the workshop, you will be required to sign a contract that establishes that the tour leaders are not responsible to physical or proprietary damages, and that you understand and accept several behavioral standards (including not taking excessive risk), necessary to ensure the workshop's success and your safe return. 

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